OPFOR objectives: exit west as much units (especially trucks) as possible.
Minimum required is 25%. For each truck exited, 5% less is required.
The remains of an OPFOR division are engaged and holding a key position a few km west. Their supply and ammo are running low and they may have to abandon their position if they are not resuplied very soon. The OPFOR player has 10 minutes to get a supply convoy trough an area still losely controled by remains of NATO units.
Solitaire suitability: general orders have been attributed to both sides. The US role is mostly static and thus more appropriate for the computer. An OPFOR force left to the control of the computer will most likely be cut to pieces easily.
Rules of engagement: the US player may reposition his/her units wherever he/she wants but not further east than where they are now. The OPFOR player must exit his/her units on the western side.